Monday, September 15, 2008


Wow, my fourth post. I feel like I'm becoming.....eeeks, a blogger!

It's Sunday, 4:30am...just finished work, (that's another story for another time) and the TIME is approaching. I'm in the middle of that weird witching hour when one week rolls over into the next, and for me, next week signifies something I've been putting off for the last year and a half. Next week I have to go find an agent...

My demo's done. Labeled. In a case. I have a covering letter and performance resume. I don't have one single excuse left. Nothing left to do but this...I've worked hard, I had private training from some of the best teachers in the city, I put the time in, I have a good demo, done by one of the top studios, and heard nothing but positive things about my voice & demo. And yet, that all seems to play second fiddle to the fact I'm SCARED SHITLESS about having to go "put myself out there" at the mercy of some "professonal's" opinion. As long as I'm not putting myself out there, the dream can live on in my head. I think I'm scared I might hear something I don't like, and that would ruin the nice little fantasy I've been playing out in mee 'ead.

I know, I know......nothing ventured, nothing gained. Can't win if you don't try. What if someone really likes me and picks me up....I try to take solace in all these cliches, but I've still seemed to find a way to delay this moment for a long time.....and now it's here. If I don't make my move now, I fear I never will, and that means that this week I've got to risk my fragile ego/confidence all over the place trying to convince someone to take me aboard. Maybe it'll go my way...but I'm still not looking forward to it. But I promised myself that no matter how scared or nervous or anxious I got, that this week I WILL CALL AS MANY AGENTS AS I NEED TO UNTIL I FIND ONE THAT WILL TAKE ME.
Let's see how it all turns out.......


Sue said...

Oooh, a goal! I always get jitters doing something I've put off for a while.

About the 'what if they don't like' thing... this is a prime opportunity to learn how to improve. If there's something they don't like, you can use that constructively.

Good Luck (I have a feeling you'll do well.)!!

Bruno LoGreco said...

Nicely done!! You will do very well this week Enigma. As a matter of fact I see it now: Am I really as fucked up as I think i am, takes North America by surprise. His instant fame lands him on Canada's Walk Of Fame.

When asked if he was still as fucked up as he thinks he is, Enigma responded with: Isn't everybody as fucked up as they think they are?

There you have it live from Canada's Walk Of Fame-- back to the news room.

The Enigma said...

You guys are a sea of positivity...!~LOL

Seriously, thanks, appreciate the confidence...