Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I did it.......

Got out of bed yesterday and would not be deterred....clad in my underwear with bedhead only a mother could love, I sat at my computer and tried to find an agent. It's amazing how from the safety of your computer, you can go after the important things in your life looking like a homeless person...

Called my first choice up, and was put on hold. When the person returned, I took a deep breath, and launched into.."Hi, my name is @$%#@, I"m a voice artist interested in obtaining representation. Do you know who I might speak to about that..?" He replied,
"The same thing I told you before, the email address for demo submissions is on the website."
Momentarily stunned, I weighed the pros and cons of trying to explain that I hadn't called before, then decided on simply asking if he knew the name of the person I could address it to. He gave me two names, and said either one could pick it up. Figured I'd try one more, "Possible to speak to one of them...?"
"No...send in your submission"
Not exactly the warmest introduction to Voice-world, but at least I knew where to send my demo to. Next I tried my other top pick on my list....answering machine. Left a message explaining who I was and asked that the agent contact me at his convenience, then sent my demo package to the only email address listed on their website.

So far, no word from anyone. But.......................................................................................I took the first step. Happy 'bout that. I know it's going to be a long, tough journey, but at least now I feel like I've got my motor running, and heading out on the highway........


Sue said...

That person was pretty abrupt. I wonder if he uses that tactic with everybody to keep them from pestering him with lengthy questions. (not saying you were pestering him, though)

Good Job!!!

Bruno LoGreco said...

Way to go Enigma!!
Monday you called two agents, later in the week three and four, and before you know it, you'll have an agent. Nicely Done!!

I'm telling you - I see a star..